80 and some months, I have a lot of spare time on my hands, and if there were no internet, my interaction with "the outside world" might be about as much as when I was homeless in Key West and had no cell phone or laptop.
I know some people, perhaps a lot of people, don't care for the internet, and don't use it. However, the internet seems as important to human interaction today as telephones, radio, television and handwritten letters once were.
In November 1995, I was in a SUV with four Australian white people, headed into Kakadu, in The Northern Territory, where some of the first "Crocodile Dundee" movie was filmed.
It was nighttime. We were headed to a public campground, to spend the night.
A male and a female aborigine came to me out of dream time.
I had read in the American woman Marlo Morgan's book, Mutant Message Down Under, that aborigines who lived in the old ways were telepathic and didn't need telephone, internet, or anything of this world, nor their own mouths and vocal cords, to speak with their kind.
It then was my custom to ask spirits that came to me, "What do I have that you want?"
So, that's what I telepathically asked the two visitors.
They laughed, said telepathically, "We are real people. What could you possibly have that we want?"
Felling like an idiot, I telepathically replied, "Apologies, why did you come to me?"
They smiled, said, "We came to welcome you into our tribe."
Then, they dissolved back into dream time.
Morgan's book reports her serendipitous meeting with a wild aborigine tribe, who took her on an extended walkabout, which changed her dramatically.
The aborigines called themselves "real people" and they called modern people, "mutants". The real people had stopped reproducing and were leaving the planet to the mutants and wished the mutants well.
Morgan's book was not well received by aborigines and modern Australians.
After I read Morgan's book in the early 1990s, I knew she basically had the experience, but I wondered how well it stuck with her after she returned to America?
About three years later, I was in Kakadu.
After I returned to America, I figured I would be tested to see if I was a real person.
I indeed was tested, over and over again, and I'm still being tested, and it's really challenging living among and interacting with what basically is a different species, which looks like real people, but isn't.
I recently had a "social" interaction in a Reddit spiritually group.
I opened the links. The "studies" were graphs, with no back up, no explanation, other than the graph.avisionofpeaceThe News doesn't tell you this because they want you to think that society is getting worseSo when you turn on the news or talk to most people, they'll tell you society is getting worse Sometimes it seems like society is deteriorating and that it's the end of the world.Well here's some good news. Violence has been on a huge decline in the UK and USA for the past 25 years.Link in commentsPuzzleheaded (me)horse shitavisionofpeaceThe statistics say otherwise and are in the comments.PuzzleheadedYou must not live in USA, nor did you interview the planet Earth, nor angels and ETs observing humanity at all levels, nor demons having their way with most of humanity unaware. Demons exist and are influencing people even in their churches and even this forum. Any real shaman kows this, as can any person whose senses function as originally designed.avisionofpeaceThe statistics are from the UK and US.The rest of your comment went right over my head.PuzzleheadedI know where you say the statistics came from and are about. I don't live in the UK, and unless you do, you have no clue what is going on there. I do live in USA, and I've lived here since 1942, and I know for a fact that America has become increasingly violent while I have been alive. And, I know America became considerably more violent after Donald Trump was elected in 2016, and America became more violent since Joe Biden was elected president. Violent internally. Externally, America's military activity is well known.If the rest of my comment went right over your head, you have lots of company, which is what is wrong with humanity in America and everywhere else. Sound asleep, oblivious, even in spirituality circles, to what actually is going on. What I'd love to see in at this spirituality forum is people telling what their lives really are like, the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, instead of what their theories, or hopes, are. How do you think what you posted here resonates with the parents of the children slaughtered in school shooting massacres? And with the students who were not slaughtered? And with their teachers?avisionofpeaceStatistics don't lie, and facts don't care about feelings.PuzzleheadedWhat you presented was an article about decrease in violent crime associated with discontinuance of lead in gasoline. the graph in the article ends in 2010. There is nothing in your title or explanation under your title about lead in gasoline. The title suggests some mysterious phenomenon. Perhaps lead was introduced back into gasoline and that explains how America has become more violent? That was meant as a joke.avisionofpeaceNo I didn't. I presented statistics for the UK and the US over the past few decades. You're looking at the top comment, that's not me. You need to look further down to my comment with the two links.PuzzleheadedI opened 2 links and read what was there, it was about lead in gasoline. If you have other links, put them here. There are a lot of comments, and I don't know where else to look.avisionofpeaceNo worriesViolence on the decline in the UK https://ibb.co/R0tyJZ9Violence on the decline in the USA https://ibb.co/c2Dq2DX

I think you should have put the two links in your lead, or does this forum's moderation team not allow that?
I'd like see who did this survey, and their narrative explanation of how they did it.Meanwhile, I don't know anyone who feels safer today, than they did 10 years ago, or 20 years ago, or 30 years ago.
avisionofpeaceYeah it's frustrating, it wouldn't let me post with the links so I had to put them in the comments. Wouldn't let me post photos either. Very strict posting rules on the sub, I think it's text only on this one.
They're both government stats from the appropriate government sites, I can find the exact links if you like? Obviously in most cases I wouldn't trust the government but the other stats don't tend to paint much of a pretty picture like these ones.
I'm also basing it on personal experience because I witnessed and heard about much more violence (locally) in the 90s than I do now. But there will be a lot of factors at play there. Obviously my personal experience doesn't apply to everyone so I understand if you feel less safe. I guess it's subjective to a degree.
Paradoxically I do feel less safer these days yet I actually don't experience or see much violence which to be honest suggests to me that it's psychological and that I have been the victim of being induced by fear pushed onto me by the media rather than it actually being the result of real life scenarios I've experienced.
For example, if I never watched the news, read internet forums, or spoke to people talking about national and global issues, would I really be as fearful for my safety as I am right now? Probably not.
My personal opinion though and I'm sure you have your own reasons for your feelings too. I guess it's a complex situation really and not just black and white.Anyway sorry about the confusion with the links.
PuzzleheadedI'm 80, plenty of my body parts don't operate the way originally designed. I'd love to be sent on my way by a drive by. I publish plenty on Facebook and blogs I created and in a podcast that could produce that escape scenario. Much preferred, to getting older and more feeble and rotting away and feeding doctors, hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospices, mortuaries, lawyers, etc. Buzzards much preferred.
I live in Alabama again, where I was born and raised. I'm not a Democrat, nor a Republican. I view both "nations" as cults, and I view religions as cults, and most spiritual movements as cults. There is a great deal of spinning and quoting out of context and just plain invented facts, to support cults and keep them alive and prosperous.
I am a shaman, trained by angels known in the Bible. The training was horrible and long, and still is happening. The angels have a very dim view of humanity's evolution, and I do not mean biological.
I majored in economics in college and took a wooly statistics course. Statistics are not iron clad. A great deal depends on the people who seek the statistics and their motives.
I have extrasensory perception. But even without it, it is crystal clear America is deteriorating and morphing into something not particularly uplifting.
The New Age is as lost as Christianity and other religions. All have a piece of the WHOLE, but there is so much chaff that it's the blind leading the blind.
Some individuals are moving forward, but, in the main, humanity is devolving by cloning itself spiritually, due to destruction and even absence of the feminine - the real feminine,
Then are the demons, which are very real, the New Age and atheists to the contrary not withstanding.
It is not for nothing that you don't feel as safe as you once did. That''s your feminine expressing herself.
Every American should be terrified of the American right, especially if Donald Trump gets back into the White House.
The Democrats and the New Age remind me of the mythical Fukawi tribe, which was ever getting lost and gathering in a circle and sitting down and holding hands and chanting, "Where the fuck are we? Where the fuck are we?"
This spirituality forum often reminds me of the Fukawis.