Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Gun Nation: school children graveyard


April 11, 2023

I posted some things at my Facebook page yesterday and today about children suddenly dying, which can only be ascribed to the Devil.

Sloan Bashinsky
Me and some people I have known well had the exquisite experience of being dragooned and messed with and mangled and stood before many mirrors and reprogrammed and redirected and slapped around and embarrassed and picked up and carried and more of all of the above, and more, for a good while, and longer, so that we knew angels known in the Bible, and God and the Devil and demons exist, and Jesus, too, and whether or not intended, we became objective and subjective demonstrations of all of that, for atheists, who do not believe, and for agnostics, who don't know what to believe, and for believers, who hope what they believe is true, but they don't yet know for sure, because they have not had proof they cannot possibly ignore, and if they ever do get that proof, they will know for a fact that God cannot be dragooned and shrunk down to almost nothing by a, any or all religions, philosophies, or whatever, because God, by any name, is unknowable and unfathomable, yet more real than hitting your thumb with a hammer, the pain of which cannot be imagined ahead of time, or having your first orgasm, which cannot be pre-imagined, either, nor can parents' trauma after their child is murdered in school by a gun that has no evil intent, nor school children's terror of being shot dead by guns that mean them no harm.

My good friend in this next one is my tech buddy.

Sloan Bashinsky
A good friend's sister is a single parent of two young girls, 4 and 8. The 8-year-old told her mother the other day, during the covid shutdown, she was not allowed to go to school, and covid is not nearly as dangerous to school children as guns, so why does she have to go to school now?
Today, I found myself thinking about the Angel of Death taking the first-born of every Egyptian family, because the Pharaoh repeatedly ignored warnings from God to let Moses and the Jews leave Egypt. I wondered if the Angel of Death takes the first-born in every guns don't kill, people do American family, if that would get the 2nd Amendment freaks' attention?

This one generated some discussion with people on the left, who just don't seem to get it:

Sloan Bashinsky
So, I saw in the news the other day of children boycotting their school, because they did not feel safe from being gunned down and killed there.
I wonder what would happen if all children in America boycot their schools until they feel safe going to school? 
So much less hassle, and so much safer, to stay home and be taught virtually, like happened during covid shut down.
Meanwhile, what kind of parents today still send their children to school in America?

The kind that can’t afford child care? It sucks that schools aren’t safe. I went to catholic prep schools and military school . I know I wasn’t safe. But it’s rare that one is beaten to death. Getting beaten and broke is ok. 
No brainer gun sale laws would help a lot but there are so many assault weapons here that they can be had.

Sloan Bashinsky
Charles would you do, if you were a kid in grammar school? What would you do if you were that child's parents?

I began to answer this and thought it makes me as crazy to think what I’d do. So that’s moot. 
If my child or anyone’s was killed I’d be broken. 
What would you do?

Sloan Bashinsky
Moot? You would do nothing? How do you explain that to God? 
If I were a school child today, I sure hope I would stop attending school. I sure hope I would have other students who feel the same strongly enough to boycott our school until it is safe for us to go back there. That would require armed guards, with SWAT or military training and weapons. 
If I were a parent, I would keep my child out of school until such protection for my child is present, at my child's school.
In fact, my first child died of Sudden Infant Syndrome. It felt to me that he was murdered by something unseen. There is no way to imagine what your child dying is like. You can't imagine it, until you experience it. So don't even try to imagine it, or voice how you feel about someone else's child being murdered in school, unless your own child was murdered in school. 
Instead, come off the sidelines and start raising bloody hell. Piss off as many people as you can, like those Tennessee legislators did, who got kicked out of their legislatures by right wing loonies, who love their guns more than they love their own children, grandchildren, and God.
I hope God pays those right wing Tennessee loonies, and their ilk all over America, a personal visit, and yanks them up by the short hairs and they shit and piss themselves, and are 100 percent certain they will die and burn in hell forever, if they don't do all they can to protect school children from being murdered in their schools by terrorists the loonies have aided and abetted by refusing to protect school children in their schools.
Likewise, I hope God pays the same visit to parents of school children, and local government officials and law enforcement agencies, and school boards, and state government governors and legislators and law enforcement heads, and national law enforcement heads, and every member of Congress and the US Supreme Court, and President Joe Biden and Vice President former state prosecutor Kamala Harris, and former President Donald Trump. Why the hell isn't the US Military protecting American school children from being murdered by Americans in their schools?

I know I can’t understand what losing a child feels like.
It’s not possible to explain our challenges. Or compare them.

Sloan Bashinsky
Charles That is true, and I do not see any call for action from you that actually would protect children in school from being shot to death by guns that mean them no harm. Perhaps if the people who chant, "People, not guns, kill people", have their families visited by the Angel of Death and their first borns taken, that will cause them to station themselves in schools, armed to the teeth, protecting school children? 
I don’t have to prove anything. If you want to talk that would be better than this. You ask questions that I can’t answer here

Sloan Bashinsky

I see that, and I see you have lots of company. Schools, states, the national government have failed school children. Their schools are not safe. Yet they are sent to school anyway. The gun debate has failed to protect school children. Guns are everywhere, easy to get. The U. S. President already should have deployed his soldiers into American lower and middle public schools. The private/religious lower and middle schools already should have put hired armed mercenaries in their schools. Ditto, high schools. Because, nearly all parents have proven they will not keep their children at home to save them from guns that mean them no harm. Although they managed to keep their children at home during Covid lock down. 

It's a horrible reality, Sloan, that not everyone can keep their children home. But one thing would help to solve the deadly problem - if Congress got a backbone collectively and passed the ban on assault weapons as President Biden has asked them to do. It wouldn't keep all guns off the street and out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them, but at least, a gun that doesn't fire hundreds of rounds a minute would give the children and teachers and others in the school a fighting chance till law enforcement got to the shooter, plus we need more law enforcement resource officers stationed at the schools while school is in session. inside and outside patrolling, and we need law enforcement to regularly patrol schools during off school hours to assure no one breaks in and hides until school begins the following day. I know some small villages and towns have that policy already, but more need to do it. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Well, we know the odds are zero of Congress developing backbone and bucking the National Rifle Association and its members' votes in national elections. We know the US Supreme Court has zero interest in requiring the Amendment 2 WELL REGULATED ARMED MILITIA. 
So, do you see any way for kids to be protected from being shot and killed in their schools, than for kids to protect themselves by refusing to go to school? -because it's crystal clear their parents, their schools, their local government and law enforcement, their state governors, legislators and national guards, their national Congress and President in Washington, D.C. and the U.S.. Military, which fights and patrols much of the planet, WILL NOT PROTECT AMERICAN SCHOOL CHILDREN from domestic terrorists, and are those terrorists accomplices in God's eyes, their religious proclamations and church attendance notwithstanding. 
Poor and many middle class parents are in a bad situation, financially, Sloan, and they have to work and haven't the means to have someone else come in to be with their children, so except for more law enforcement presence in and around the schools I see no other answer. Having followed the money trail a few years ago on who is beholden to the NRA as you say, it isn't too likely Congress will pass the bill unless citizens band together and head for Washington to stage a sit in in the halls of Congress until they pass it.  

Sloan Bashinsky
I lay all of this on President Joe Biden, because it is crystal clear the states are not going protect their school children in their schools, so it fell on Biden to use the US military do it, and he didn't.

The NRA took millions from Russia.

Sloan Bashinsky
I had not heard about that. The whole world is watching America and Americans basically do nothing to protect school children in America from being killed by military style guns, while the American right keeps chanting, "Guns, not people, kill people" The more American school children are killed, the more America becomes destabilized, and maybe after enough of that, President Biden, or whoever replaces him, will be under so much pressure that he, or she, orders the American military to protect school children in America from Americans, and perhaps that's Putin's goal. I haven't read of mass shootings in Russian schools, but Putin was charged by The World Court with kidnapping Ukrainian children and holding them hostage. 
He is the Devil incarnate

Sloan Bashinsky
Elizabeth Yep. As is Donald Trump, and Amendment 2 Americans who chant, "Guns, not people, kill people," after each school shooting massacre.

Amendment 2, U.S. Constitution
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Where's the regulated militia required by Amendment 2?

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