Saturday, April 8, 2023

Some considerations for people who were not in paradise with Jesus on Good Friday

Good Friday came yesterday, and left, without my giving it much thought, other than if Jesus in the Gospels were in America today, doing what he is reported in the Gospels to have done, he would be killed by Christians.

Meanwhile, some Easter considerations for people who were not in paradise with Jesus on Good Friday. 



Does anyone else ever read all the stomach turning positivity and think yeah if you were living my life you wouldn't be so f****** positive all the time✨

Sorry but I'm fed up of pretending I'm ok and when I act all positive it's just a mask to hide how I really feel and that is that life is really f****** hard and sometimes I wish I could just die 

Puzzleheaded (me)
Engraved on my Jewish great grandfather's grave monument: "God's noblest creation is an honest man."

I lived in Santa Fe, NM 1/12 years, and in Boulder, Colorado 8 years. New Age and Eastern spirituality meccas. I met a lot of people into positive thinking as a way to get what they wanted and/or to just be more spiritual, and they were miserable inside, struggling just like everyone else.

I received extensive psycho-spiritual training, as a practice client and then I did it for other people. Everyone of them, me included, had all sorts of awful stuff stuck inside of them, which was influencing them in many ways. None of us got to the bottom of it. 

After angels took me over, they ushered me through healing of stuff I had no clue was inside of me, and some of the healing was unfathomably terrifying. Even after all of that, there was still plenty in me that was not exactly hunky dory. Yet, my perspective of just about everything had changed, and would continue changing. 

Perhaps the best self-help book I read was A Course In Miracles. The Course is no fun, according to people I knew who were doing it. It says nobody knows that is really going on, and it's pointless trying to figure it out. Just do the Course for a year, and emerge a different person, who can move forward, instead of staying stuck or going backward. 

In sum, whatever happens that disturbs us, punches our buttons, sit in it, burn in it, don't try to fix it. Do that for a year. Kinda reminds of Jesus in the Gospels: turn the other cheek; resist not one who does evil; do good to and pray for your enemies. Sort of.

I think the spiritual path is everybody for him/herself. It's between each person and God, or whatever people wish to call the unfathomable and the unknowable.

Forced positivity doesn't work for someone suffering from shit life syndrome, agreed.

Please explain shit life syndrome.

it’s when your life is shit

As long as that's what it is and not some snarky comment about how my head is the problem and not my life.

honestly it could’ve been but i wouldn’t worry abt it. idk what’s going on in your life but i’ve never been bothered by the overly positive comments. it shows another pov for me. i could be in this deep dark place but i’ve got ppl who might’ve gone through similar experiences saying that life will get good again, this and that. i get it can get annoying tho when you’re reading them and you know you can’t feel those things atm.

Trust me if you were in my shoes you'd understand. Sometimes it's hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel when all you can see is darkness.

there are still things to find in the darkness just like there is in the light. i met my truest self in one of my deepest depressive episodes. the darkness is just trying to see what you’re made of. will you wade through till the light or settle for the shit life gave you

There is no light to be taken from the hell I'm going through. You have absolutely no idea.

then can i ask what the reason for your post was? bc i only would post if i was looking for help or some type of advice/guidance/helpful words but if there’s no solution for you then why post. why even keep on doing life? if it’s so bad?

Of course he is looking for help, but how can we help someone if we are not walking in their moccasins and understand what that person is going through? But that's not what his post is about. It's about the "path of positive thinking" not working for him. 
So, someone has cancer. Postifive thinking is the way to deal with that? Someone's infant child died. Positive thinking is how to deal with that? The one way to deal with either is to get up each day and do what's dead in front of you. And, that's the way to deal with everything. How you deal with it, of course, is important. 
However, trying to mentally apply our thoughts, our will to a situation, to get an outcome we want, is witchcraft, isn't it? As opposed to, Not my will, but your will be done, O Lord.

Was hoping people could relate so I wouldn't feel so alone.
I stay alive because the very few people I have left in my life, I love too dearly to kill myself.

You don't provide details of your angst, and I'm not asking for details. There is something called the dark night of the soul, and its big brother, the black night, both of which I experienced. The dark night was horrific, but was a cakewalk compared to the black night. Both come on their own and leave on their own, when they are ready, and trying to outmuscle either is futile. 
I don' know what your spiritual basics are, but there is something with you, which is beyond human comprehension, and you might wish to try leaning into it in your own way, and keep leaning into it, as you try to do your best to deal with what each day and night bring to you.


I imagine the Devil loves our mass shooting problem.

Once upon a time I practiced law.

US Constitution, Amendment 2
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why the US Supreme Court and every other court in America and every American ignores "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

That's the predicate for, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Where's the regulated Militia?

The gun lovers want zero regulation of their love.

Amendment 14
Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
What about the right of school children to life (not be shot and killed at school)?
Poetic Outlaws 
Fleet Visit
By: W.H. Auden 
The sailors come ashore
Out of their hollow ships,
Mild-looking middle-class boys
Who read the comic strips;
One baseball game is more
To them than fifty Troys.
They look a bit lost, set down
In this unamerican place
Where natives pass with laws
And futures of their own;
They are not here because
But only just-in-case.
The whore and ne’er-do-well
Who pester them with junk
In their grubby ways at least
Are serving the Social Beast;
They neither make nor sell —
No wonder they get drunk.
But the ships on the dazzling blue
Of the harbor actually gain
From having nothing to do;
Without a human will
To tell them whom to kill
Their structures are humane
And, far from looking lost,
Look as if they were meant
To be pure abstract design
By some master of pattern and line,
Certainly worth every cent
Of the millions they must have cost.

Sloan Bashinsky
A different sort of fleet visit

A calling to serve carries its own wisdom,
which legitimates both the calling and the serving
so that the two are one.
Only the one called to serve
can know this wisdom,
and for some who are called
the knowing comes easily,
while for others the knowing is a fiery baptism.
Each calling is different,
and while some callings can be declined,
others cannot,
and those whose calling is without repentance
know they are in it for the duration of the calling,
and while others may try to persuade them out of it,
the calling for ones such as these always prevails;
thus is it advised to all called for keeps
that they view their calling as a blessing
even when it seems at times to be a curse,
and that they try to reconcile the loss of their captain status
and allow the Spirit of God to man the helm of their ship,
and be glad and willing crew members thereon,
knowing that all sailing ships of souls
need a crew as well as a captain
to maintain and navigate the ship through
seas of many tones, depths and flavors;
so consider each league sailed
as part of the overall journey
going to where the captain deigns to go
by using whatever winds and sea currents available
to navigate the ship to the experiences
this ship and crew need to have
in order to fulfill their calling and its wisdom
revealed by the journey of many leagues,
many known only to the ship and its crew,
all of whom come to know,
some sooner than others,
that once conscripted
there is no safe jumping ship.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you

For the first time in a while, puzzleheaded me had some fun and felt some warm fuzzies at a Reddit spirituality forum.


Posted by Puzzleheaded 


If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. – Gospel of Thomas, verse 70


This is true, you need to help others with your knowledge and experiences, and the Universe will help you too


I also believe the universe will bring you those precise people needing your knowledge and experience, and not having to go "save the world" kind of thing. Path of least resistance to what is natural for you.


I would have called it God, because that's what I was raised to call it, but, yes, life brings us what we need to grow, develop and mature, and how that proceeds depends on how we respond, or not. It's probably more helpful, in the long run, if we try to save ourselves, before trying to save something else, which reminds us, unawares probably, of our own need to be saved. Yet, sometimes, something outside of us needs saving and, if we are able to help it be saved, then that's something God laid on us to do, or not. Whether we get some kind of immediate or distant reward for that, is another matter, above my pay grade, at least. However, this post is about internal work, and perhaps can be likened somewhat to Jesus in the Gospels saying, "First, take the beam out of our own eye."

Old timey brain

This has come to me recently from several sources, and it is now making quite a bit of sense.


The first time I read this quote it brought me such a sense of peace and acceptance of my self.


Back some distance in time, I was deeply involved in psycho-spiritual healing, both as a patient and as a practitioner. I saw really volatile emotional stuff come up out of people and out of myself, which had been living there unknown to the host. After angels got a hold of me, they amplified exponentially that process, and some of what they brought up out of me was absolutely terrifying emotionally. I imagine, if all of a sudden, what lives inside of people suddenly is released, humanity will got stark raving mad, en masse, regardless of religious, spiritual or other beliefs, or no beliefs. So, and this is based on my own personal experience and observations of many other people, I think the Thomas quote I posted here is absolutely spot on for people, or for a species, that wish, or hope, to develop, grow and mature humanly and spiritually. I also think there aren't nearly enough therapists, gurus, priests, shamans, etc., who have themselves gotten cleaned up enough inside, to be of much help to anyone else. Which, it looks to me, means it is on angels, or perhaps advanced Ets, to help humanity bring forth from inside itself, what all lives there, or humanity, in the main, will continue devolving, while relatively few individuals progress.


Yep. The answers are within, not without. So within, so without. First make peace in your inner sacred kingdom and peace will manifest in your outer not-so-secret kingdom. It's working for me.

When I've been at war within, the war inevitably manifested without.


Can't say I ever knew anyone who didn't have plenty of raging war within. I wonder if perhaps Jesus in the Gospels had that in mind, when he said, "Hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brother's eye?"


Authenticity, always



But authenticity might not win many, or any, popularity contests :-)


This is true, but does your authentic self want or need to win popularity contests?! 😊


First, no.

Second, I tired to make a rhetorical joke.

Third, when we ruin our reputations, we can be free.


Right if you are at a party and you drink a cup of piss when people say dude did you drink that you have to be accountable for your actions.


party pooper😎


Yeah. I still feel bad how I talked to my boss yesterday.


Did you tell your boss that?


Makes sense.

Thomas was kicked out during the canonical conference. As were many other books. All are worth the reading.


Ya think the bosses at that conference doubted Thomas? Or, did they doubt including his testimony and advice would not freak out people and they would run like hell?


I like the doubting Thomas reference

Thomas and John conflicted, they chose to keep John.

I personally prefer Thomas


Two very different men, maybe the early church honchos cherrypicked the one they felt might be more attractive to market, bring in more new congregants/congregant$?


I need this today. Brought a lot out.

I wish to add: the more humble and connected and open you grow - the more there is to bring out. If you wish to befriend your ego, rather than enslaving or silencing it, it will be an endless supply of life for you and will give you a limitless opportunity to love


Yep, a full time job for the unforeseeable future.


Needed to hear this today, thank you! 💜


If guys like horror/fantasy fiction, John Langan has a story about this exact quote "What You Do Not Bring Forth" in his anthology Children of the Fang. It's short, not scary at all, but one of my favorites of his.


Werewolf lore?


That story specifically isn't werewolf-related, it's more philosophical, but if you go over on r/horrorlit they have tons of recommendations for werewolf fiction. My first two recs to anyone are "Those Across the River" by Christopher Buehlman, and "Cycle of the Werewolf" by Stephen King.


Thanks, merely was curious. Fang, and such. The Thomas quote is about something else altogether, such as, acknowledging, owning up to, bringing up out of us, and finally dealing with the werewolf in us, a not fun or pleasing horror story, but necessary, to avoid our werewolf killing us.


GOT is the GOAT :) I have an audiobook presentation if you're interested


Much thanks, will pass that link along.


Awesome, the GOT has been a huge blessing for me and contains such amazing very rare deep truth ! Namaste Puzzlehead.


I felt like the black sheep for a long time and this passage gave me great comfort...

107. Jesus said, "The (Father's) kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine and looked for the one until he found it. After he had toiled, he said to the sheep, 'I love you more than the ninety-nine.'"


Well, shucks. I'm the black sheep in my birth family😎

Friday, March 31, 2023

perceptions, perspectives, beliefs, like noses, everyone has them - but humanity clearly is in deep spiritual doo doo

At Reddit/spirituality:

Posted by Gabriel
All anguish will be turned into joy.✨
Every single last bit of it. There will be nothing left.

Whomever constructs their belief of the matter through experience, not thought.

In many ways and arenas experience moved me past belief, into knowing. I have not experienced all anguish was turned into joy, nor has anyone I have known nor heard of, at least, not while in a physical body, at least not that lasted for more than a brief moment in time and in space.

It will turn to joy, just believe and act accordingly

You achieved that?

It isn't something you set out to achieve, it's something that happens when you allow it to.

It happened to you?

Has, is and will.

Lucky you.
I never met anyone all of whose anguish became joy while they were still breathing.

Call it luck, call it love, call it whatever you want. It's good for anybody to die twice

I died quite a few times, in the spiritual sense, and never came close to what you describe.


Sloan Bashinsky 
Administrator Josh St. Germain invited me to join this group, and I did that and posted a couple of things and then I commented under two of Josh's posts. 
I see Josh tolerates self-promotion, so...
I'm 80 years old and perhaps it's not stretching it much to say I've had at least a dozen different lives this time around.
Back in January of this year (2023), I started a new blogspot, where I reported stuff  going on in my life and psyche, including discussions at Facebook, Reddit Spirituality, Poetic Outlaws, The Order of Pen and The Official C.S. Lewis. 
My blogspot has no ads or soliciting. I just put it out there and move on. The most recent post there contains my initial posts and comments at UNCENSORED Lightworkers. Here's a link: 

Josh St GermainAdmin
Love you Sloan.

Sloan BashinskyAuthor
Josh St Germain Thanks, Josh, yet we are only just getting to know each other. I am not nearly at the point of being able to say I love everyone, or even a whole lot of people. I am pretty sure God loves us all, including the Devil and all of its demons, but I still have quite a ways to go. What you post at UNCENSORED LIGHTWORKERS provides people who see it with lots of ways of looking at and approaching life on this world, and elsewhere, which mainstream (STATUS QUO) does not. I wish though, that you, and other people, share personal experiences, which demonstrate metaphysics, or whatever anyone wishes to call it, operating inside them and in their daily lives, aka the grindstone and furnace and so forth that living on this world providers ongoing. I very much appreciate uncensored, which is pretty rare at online forums, platforms, etc.

Josh St GermainAdmin
Sloan Bashinsky I used to be selective with Love as well, thought I was obligated to. But then one day I realized everyone needs it, and it's only natural. Life may have given you a rollercoaster, but that doesn't mean you can't step off and live in bliss/euphoria. 

Sloan Bashinsky  
John St. GermaineAdmin I've got a long way to go, I can't bring myself to even love me unconditionally, and I know for a fact, proven every second I'm awake, and even in my dreams, that I cannot step off the roller coaster of life and live in bliss/euphoria. That's why I like to see people share what their own lives are like. You told me that you have cancer. I had prostate cancer during the covid lock down and chose radiation treatment, which was horrible. I felt like I ws dying. There was no way to visualize, wish, hope, positive think myself into a different space. Now what the radiation did to other parts of me is showing up, and it's no fun. I've had IBS since age 27. It arrived in one day, there was no warning, prior symptoms. It chewed me up every day since. Nothing I tired, medical, herbal, metaphysical, had any effect. It had a mind of its own, it is intelligent, it does not like being messed with. I never met, read about or heard of anyone, who was able to jump off the roller coaster of life, without the help of booze and/or other drugs or suicide. If you were/are able to do it, then you are beyond my comprehension.

Josh St GermainAdmin
Sloan Bashinsky I allowed God into my life and became aware of my abilities. I hold the vision of what I want for it to manifest with grace of having it.
Like a vending machine, I put in effort, and what I want comes right out. Unless I'm not specific enough or I lack faith in my abilities, then it's postponed until I regain awareness and confidence in the abilities. Coming from a place of negativity I always found myself doubting anything "magical" so to speak, until I returned to the mode of 100% Love, then it all comes rushing back. My problem was everytime I got myself in a good place like that, I dealt with people trying to sabotage it, most of the times immediately. Becoming angry from the attacks lowered my vibration back to a state of doubt, but after I realized they we're just hurting I either consulted them, or blessed all parties involved and walk away.

Sloan BashinskyAuthor
Josh St Germain A Course in Miracles says people who act out actually are screaming for help.
I've been attacked so many times that I cannot possibly chronicle even a small part of it. That was part of what was given to me to do over many seasons and variations I could not in my wildest dreams and imaginings have foreseen. To wade into and challenge the status quo, regardless of any blowback or my own discomfort or personal risk. I was not allowed any way to escape, or even mute my own physical or other discomfort, other than sometimes I was advised, or shown, to step away from something already engaged. 
Always, what I addressed was driven by a demonic force behind the visible. I understood I was that force's target, and what I had engaged was that force's bait. I was trained a long time by angels, as they eased me into that line of work. Each situation was different, and sometimes I was softer than other times, and sometimes I should have been softer than I was. 
Based on my experiences, humanity is under a cosmic X-Ray now, and where that might lead, I have no clue. But, based on what I have been through and been shown, and a friend and I have been told, humanity, in the main, is is deep spiritual doo doo. It is devolving spiritually, mostly because its feminine aspect is mangled, even destroyed. Humanity is spiritually cloning itself, while some individuals are progressing. 
I told all of that to the angels, after they asked me in 2004, "What do you think of the species?" And, that I thought  the species would not survive what was being done do and for me, and perhaps the kindest thing would be to remove the species from this planet and put it somewhere it has a better chance of moving forward.
Perhaps what you have wired into makes all of that obsolete. It reminds me, in some ways, of what I heard when I lived in Santa Fe, NM and then in Boulder, CO. I imagine God has infinite ways of trying to reach human beings. I met people in Boulder and Santa Fe, whose path seemed to be trying to change by imagining or visualizing what they wanted and it becoming so, even as I was hearing, so to speak, over and over, not my will, but God's will be done. 
Josh St GermainAdmin
Sloan Bashinsky God's will for sure.

Sloan BashinskyAuthor
Josh St Germain amen

At Poetic Outlaws Substack:

This World

By: Czeslaw Milosz

It appears that it was all a misunderstanding.
What was only a trial run was taken seriously.
The rivers will return to their beginnings.
The wind will cease in its turning about.
Trees instead of budding will tend to their roots.
Old men will chase a ball, a glance in the mirror–
They are children again.
The dead will wake up, not comprehending.
Till everything that happened has unhappened.
What a relief! Breathe freely, you who have suffered much.

Fuck yeah. I just suffered a pretty big loss and this hits the spot. The concept of unhappening, unwinding, and a return to the depths of the self. Coordinates well with some of the Zen and Taoist stuff I've been reading, too. 

Casey Henry 
Fuck yeah like the other guy said  

Felix Purat
Gotta love me some Milosz. Pure gold, every word!

Solero Taylor
'We lived in strange, hostile, marvellous times 
bullets sang above our heads 
and years no less threatening than tearing shrapnel
taught greatness (even) to those who did not see 
Czeslaw Milosz
The paths they eventually ploughed through the wood 
Qualified our childhood and shrank the shadows back
Into more wholesome fare, 
better for dogwalkers and the like 
Just as they engineered steps into the steep sides 
Leading down to the frothy suds where Unilever 
Churned out soap, the scented stink souring air 
Between ourselves and Haughton Green, higher 
On the opposite bank, their boys versus our boys 
Pinging pellets from fairground rifles across the River 
Tame. I was proud to live within shooting range
Of the second most polluted river 
In Western Europe, mephitic then (and now)
To all decorative intent, awful in and of itself 
A Christmas kiss 
Snatched under last year's mistletoe 
By a man without teeth 
Just his tongue reaching 
for the past again, 
entered through a younger mouth 
Measured. Marked. Cut. 

Owen Swain
Bought a good used hardcover copy of his New and Collected Poetry. If I could use only one word to describe his overall work it would be 'penetrating'. If I could use two more and combine them it would be 'lucid Wonder'.

Sloan Bashinsky
Oh do I hope such a redo is possible,
actually is
in the cards
in the stars
the next sunrise
the species
Sargasso sea
Pacific plastic vortex
fossil fuel addiction exponential 
is the planet sentient?
can she protect herself?
if she wants?

in U.S. patent office
proven devices
convert water into
super cheap
hydrogen fuel
for internal combustion engines
death to oil industry
prohibited by Atomic Energy Commission
while angels and extra terrestrials 
invasive species
gets its shit together
or it's their turn
or the planet's