Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Hey January 6 insurrection defenders - You can't spin photographs and you can't fix stupid!

the quiet before the storm

Sometimes when I get myself involved in something, or something gets me involved, I become aware that what is really going on is the "transaction" is a probe, and the point is to see what come back in response to the probe. The spirit world, or if you wish, angels, watch such things, even if human beings don't. What the angels do with what they see is above my pay grade. My job even now, although perhaps not as much as in past times, is to engage what comes my way, in ways angels trained me, and then try to get out of the way.

The other day, I accepted a Facebook friend request from a fellow, because his FB bio showed he and I had attended the same high school and college: The McCallie School, in Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Vanderbilt University, in Nashville. He then posted something on Facebook defending Tucker Carlson, and I couldn't resist. You can read all about that in the next previous post at this blog: 

The truth might set you free, if you aren't so brainwashed that you have become an artificial intelligence

He then posted:

Joseph P. Walker III
Sloan Bashinsky I didn't friend you because of supposedly shared political views but because I thought you are interesting and I haven't been dismayed from that view. I will say this we all Left, Right Center and Independent have been abused by our political leadership for a long time on a lot of fronts and it's time for the average American to wake up from it's Rip Van Winkle sleep and realize that the People created this government and not the other way round. As for Tucker Carlson, I found all of his interviews have been provocative and interesting and importantly He seems to pick interviewees from differing occupations, and political viewpoints but gives them much more free rein to express themselves than the typical three minutes sound bite his competition allows. As for my views I am unabashedly Rightist so long as I and others are allowed the right to speak freely about the judgement and mistakes of our political leadership.I find that media people in the vein of Tucker Carlson know how to skewer fools that had the American public not been asleep in 2020 would never have voted for in the first place. Hopefully the American voter won't fall for the gibberish mouthing of our current POTUS in 2024. 
Doug Tamplin (who also attended McCallie)
Hey, Sloan! 
Sloan Bashinsky
Doug Tamplin Holy cow, Doug. You still around? Good hearing from you! 
Doug Tamplin
Sloan Bashinsky, good to know you are still breathing…keep up the good work! 
Sloan Bashinsky
Joseph P. Walker III, after the Jan 6 insurrection, didn't Tucker Carlson give free reign to people on his show, who were hollering the election had been stolen, and privately Tucker was saying those people were making shit up? Hasn't Rupert Murdock, Tucker's boss, been saying the dame thing, lately? T/ucker reminds me of a very young man still trying to prove himself, and he will go to great lengths to try to do it.
The problem with being unabashedly right, is the same problem as being unabashedly left. You can't be objective, clinical, about what you have made into your religion.
As far as your tolerance for people who don't agree with you, you wrote this to a woman you don't even know, who called you out on your Tucker Carson post:

Joseph P. Walker III
Cindy Woodall after reading your FB blurb , I think you are not a real person ; just a mish mash of information that is beneath the experience of someone supposedly born in 1947. What ever you say you are has used any inferior AI creation. If you wish to draw rhetorical swords with me come out of the shadows or bugger off.

Looks to me the Republican, MAGA and Democrat religions consist of programmed AIs, robots, clones. 
Joseph P. Walker III
Sloan Bashinsky the Lady used an FB page that denied her picture. She didn't really deserve the air to even write her comment If some ones yell and screams that I'm an insurrectionist which I'm not she should take the same medicine that one gives a heckler in the crowd!
Actually my main comment to her was Latin: non potes figere stultitiam! 
Sloan Bashinsky
Joseph P. Walker III I think your words to her are your true self, and Republicans who didn’t call for Trump and the people who stormed the Capitol to be criminally prosecuted, are accomplices.
You are correct about non potes figere stultitiam, you can't fix stupid, but I think it's not Cindy to whom that applies. Here's what she actually wrote, and your reply.

Cindy Woodall
Omg what drugs are you on that you would actually believe all that hogwash you are preaching? It appears you were paid by ol mafia Don Trump himself and speaking of trampling on rights, how about the trampling of the rights and the persoñage of 100 police officers. Did you ñot see the live footage?

Joseph P. Walker III
Cindy l after reading your FB blurb, I think you are not a real person; just a mish mash of information that is beneath the experience of someone supposedly born in 1947. What ever you say you are has used any inferior AI creation. If you wish to draw rhetorical swords with me come out of the shadows or bugger off.

Joseph P. Walker 
Sloan read carefully her screed to me again. Intemperate comments that I am on drugs or that I was paid off by Trump etc. do not warrant an apology.

Sloan Bashinsky
Joseph P. Walker III your Tucker Carlson screed jolted her, but not me. I’ve had many conversations with rightists about Jan 6. 
Joseph P. Walker III
Sloan Bashinsky I think there was another truth about the election and the so called insurrection which is in the process of being reviewed. There are too many witnesses because of the tapes that were given to Tucker on January 6 to continue to trot out the theory it was an insurrection. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Joseph P. Walker III the photos and film clips, res ipsa loquitur, speak for themselves in any human court, and in God’s Court. 
Joseph P. Walker III
Sloan Bashinsky since you are suggesting negligence in your quote. Perhaps the true negligence occurred when the House Majority Leader refused addition national guards at the Capitol. I never said then nor now that there weren't illegalities done by people on that day. I just don't believe it was an insurrection. 
Sloan Bashinsky
What negligence? Trucker Carlson knew exactly what he was doing. You are saying the people in charge of the national Guard were negligent in not having lots of armed guardsmen there, to prevent what you believe was not an insurrection, but if was, it was their fault? Your belief is TRUMPED by
Joseph P. Walker III
Sure if you know in advance that the crowd might become unruly and you are the owner of a property that has insufficient crowd control or exits say in a movie theater, large nightclub, outdoor rock concert etc. You can be sued because some of the people there are not responsible for the unruly crowd but get trampled. From what have learned the Capitol Police themselves did not feel they had sufficient resources to control the crowd Also you seem to elide the truth that perhaps there were agent provocateurs like Ray Epps who was egging people to breach the Capitol. And you totally ignore the goofy guy in the buffalo horned hat who is being led quietly around the offices there, yet he gets a 4 year prison sentence and his lawyer was never given a copy of the tape even though it's exculpatory evidence. And you don't mention the number of people still in jail who have never been charged with any crime. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Joseph P. Walker III your arguments would get Fs in any real law school. The provoker was Donald J Trump. And you are one example of his Pravda.  
Joseph P. Walker III
Sloan Bashinsky I don't agree with you and there are lawyers who also might disagree as it pertains to the whole issue of crowd management at the Capitol. That day. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Joseph P. Walker III people once believed the earth was flat, too 
Doug Tamplin
Joseph P. Walker III, you are BOTH my friends from way back…just agree to disagree and stay friends with each other. 
Joseph P. Walker III
Sloan Bashinsky
Doug Tamplin Sorry, can't agree to disagree with someone who says this wasn't an insurrection and people who had nothing to do with it happening were responsible for not preventing it. 
Doug Tamplin
Sloan Bashinsky, I have a lot of friends who don’t agree with everything I think! 
Sloan Bashinsky
Do you tell them that photo isn’t of an insurrection, and people who had nothing to do with it were responsible for not preventing it?
Do you let friends get away wth this sort of thing? If so, are you really their friend?

Joseph P. Walker III
Cindy Woodall after reading your FB blurb, I think you are not a real person; just a mish mash of information that is beneath the experience of someone supposedly born in 1947. What ever you say you are has used any inferior AI creation. If you wish to draw rhetorical swords with me come out of the shadows or bugger off.

Doug Tamplin
Sloan Bashinsky, communication consists of sending and receiving…some people just don’t have a receiver…I try to love them anyway. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Doug Tamplin I understand, and Joseph looks to me like his receiver needs repair, and perhaps then he might see things differently. He's not my friend. Just someone who sent me a friend request and I accepted it because we both attended McCallie and Vanderbilt. What he said to Cindy Woodall revealed the real him. Crass, cruel, haughty. Trump treats people like that, who call him out. 
Doug Tamplin
Sloan Bashinsky, our Constitution was blatantly ignored, and, apparently, a whole lot of people don’t seem to care. I pray that the middle of the bell curve of our citizens has more respect for what so many of our forefathers gave their lives to establish. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Doug Tamplin According to Trump and his legions and most Repblicans I know and see talking online and in the news, the Constitution was blatantly ignored by the people who counted the 2020 votes, the voting machines, and Mike Pence, So, please clarify who you mean by a whole lot of people? Thanks. 
Doug Tamplin
Sloan Bashinsky, both extremes (conservative and liberal) have played a part in what I feel is an inevitable train wreck…I pray that we can get back to trying to be kinder and gentler.
Sloan Bashinsky.  
The Dems had something to do with Jan 6? Here's an NPR photo slide show of what caused the insurrection against and inside the Capitol on that day. A picture's worth a thousand words. This slide show is a lot of such pictures. 
Photos: A look back at the Jan. 6 insurrection
Photos: A look back at the Jan. 6 insurrection

After Doug Tamplin joined the discussion, Joseph P Walker III private messaged me, and we had further discussion his FB friends could not see.

Crowd Injuries Are the Fault of Event Organizers, Not Fans
As a fan, you’re not responsible for crowd safety. Event organizers are.

Trump caused Jan 6, and you are one of his ardent defenders

Yup but I'm open to younger candidates in 2024. The people who don't like him harp on his rhetoric. But rhetoric doesn't and shouldn't make policy. I think I liked America where blacks got more of the economic pie, filling my gas tank still allowed enough in my pocket to take a road trip and we were building a wall along the Mexican border. Now we're sucking wind under President Biden a totally crass, crooked and economic nincompoop.

I was amused when you took our dialogue to private chat. Hard to find a more crass and crooked than Trump. What does that tell me about his ardent defender, you? As for your white guy concern for black people economics, look at photos of Trump rallies and Jan 6 assault on Capitol, which Trump alone incited, and tell me how many black people you see. Res ipsa loquitur

Yup decided to pull over to the side of the road. Now that we know each other's political boundaries I still detect you don't like what is going on in both parties. Like Evelyn said earlier, she voted for the lesser of two evils. Which I think we both try to do. Unfortunately America isn't thriving from either one. Possibly voting for Convention of States amendment to make all elective offices be determinant in length. Maybe a one term of six years for President like that of the Confederacy might help. But I think giving the individual states a free rein on deciding elementary and secondary curriculums might improve things. But whatever comes what we have now isn't working effectively

I responded to your Tucker Carlson rant, which I viewed as nuts in the clinical sense. Your response to the Woodall woman was in the ilk of how Donald Trump responds to anyone who doesn't argee with him. Trump wants to be president for life, he made that clear shortly after he was elected in 2016. I see no way, someone who thinks and speaks publicly the way you do, can be good for America, which indeed is all fucked up, and Trump made America more fucked up than it ever had been, and he will fuck it up even more, if he gets back into the White House. I tell Republicans to quit whining about Democrats, and get their own house in order, like their alleged savior Jesus in the Gospels told them to do. I tell whining Democrats to quit whining about the Republicans and get their own house in order. I don't drag Jesus into it with them, because very few of them waive Bibles when they talk, or claim God is on their side.

Thank you Sloan

Hard for me to imagine you mean that sincerely, when you have not publicly apologized to Cindy Woodall in that FB thread. You are correct about non potes figere 
stultitiam, you can't fix stupid, but I think it's not Cindy to whom that applies. 
Actually If would do your research. She was an interloper on my comments. I have never known her and I challenged her because there was no identifying information in the FB site she came from. So no apology is owed, particularly the rancor she challenged me. I still question the whole January , 6 event that the tapes themselves cast doubt that an intersection took place and as I have stated before I didn't condone misbehavior  and I still take issue that the Capitol was undermanned. I think a Capitol policeman who fired his pistol to kill the female was totally unjustified and Fallas within the same vein of the Dallas police officer,a woman who killed an unarmed accountant in Dallas last year and has been convicted. I think the real reason why you detest Tucker Carlson is that he in a calm relaxed manner has severely eviscerated the Left's charges of insurrection not just by blowing smoke but letting the public judge for themselves the events of January 6 th.  And I'm asking you as a lawyer, do you not see that possible exculpatory tapes of the convicted Buffalo horned guy might have changed his guilty conviction had a jury been able to view it.  Thank you


The Bufalo horned guy was no more a shaman than you are, but he dressed nice. If he was wrongly convicted, I hope his conviction is thrown out. I can't say this on Facebook public, they killed my FB account for saying it there. I have a very good friend, Republican, who voted for Donald Trump. My friend is former US Army Special Forces combat veteran. He told me that the people who assaulted the Capitol all should have been shot dead, and he told me I could quote him.
If you allow the public to see your FB posts, you authorize and invite the public to comment. I you don't like what the public tells you, that's on you. 
Same if you participate in someone else's discussion on FB.

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