Wednesday, March 8, 2023

perhaps keelhauling is the best medicine for prevaricating politicians and the invasive species


This below was posted at Facebook by a Key West radio talk show host and musician, who bills himself as "Soundman From Hell."


Politics in America:

"Republicans lie, and the Democrats leave out key parts of the truth."

- Chris Rock


We need to get rid of both parties no Democrats no Republicans it's just another form of prejudice in order to not get anything done


Guy I agree

Sloan Bashinsky

Guy political parties are secular religions, cults; some claim they represent God; good luck getting rid of them. I ran 10 times for local public office in so-called paradise, as the “independent” candidate. My position on every issue was against the grain, out of the box. Perhaps an alien invasion to capture the planet and enslave humanity would bring humanity together? Into sync? When pigs fly? 


Sloan Bashinsky yeah it's a lot like picking up sports team for the super bowl or whatever they call it.

Sloan Bashinsky

Gary  I dunno, Soundman. I don't see picking and rooting for a pro football winner take all game compares to voting for candidates for public office. I never saw a pro football championship game damage America. I saw local elected officials in "paradise" give it away to real estate developers. I saw them put in $$$ we trust into their pledge of allegiance. I saw them vote against Mother Nature repeatedly, and for property rights incessantly. I saw the ocean around the Florida Keys become polluted. I saw 90 percent of the coral reef die. I saw it become unsafe to swim in the ocean, because it was full of MRSA flesh-eating bacteria. I saw polluted waters signs/flags at public beaches. I watched sea-killing cruise ships become more necessary to Key West's economy than all its water sports combined. I saw the voters keep electing candidates who went along with all of that. Become of its ethnic, racial and gender diversity, Key West was a proxy for all of America. I really do think it will take an alien invasion, or a giant meteor strike like the meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, to save the planet from the invasive species - humanity.


Sloan Bashinsky yeah I understand it will never happen just like when did Jehovah witness come by and say everyone will get together and be happy there's no way so long as we're human beings and have love hate lust all the things that make us up there will always be strife

Sloan Bashinsky

Guy No Jehovah witness ever came by and told me everyone will get together and we all will be happy. I took to telling them sometimes that I was Jewish, or Mormon, and they thanked me and left. Other times, I told them if they lived in my skin, they might wish there was no Jehovah . Sometimes I gave them examples of my personal experiences with angels mentioned in the Bible. Nothing seemed to sink into their minds. But then, if a Martian stood before them, would they know it was a Martian, even if its skin color was green? Would they even be able to see the Martian, even though it was in plain view? 


Sloan Bashinsky we are the Martian Invaders of this beautiful planet

Sloan Bashinsky

Guy I dunno, perhaps taking that view insults Martians? Perhaps we are Klingons? 


Sloan Bashinsky we are something that we are not native

Sloan Bashinsky

Guy  If we humans were native to this planet we call Earth, wouldn't we be slightly more inclined to take care of our home? Under the law, we have the legal right to use lethal force against people who break into our homes. I keep wondering when Earth will use lethal force to defend herself from humans? 


During my 18-year stint living in so-called paradise, there was much talk about doing something about invasive species, such as iguanas, which the real invasive species, humans, had introduced into the Florida Keys. I kept saying, humans are the invasive species in the Florida Keys. They brought the iguanas into the Keys. They destroyed the Keys. Perhaps a mother of all hurricanes will restore the Keys to what they were like before the white people came there. That line wasn't a great vote getter. 


Nor was it, when I was asked at a county commission candidate forum in 2006: What did I think about bringing Mosquito Control back into the county government versus Mosquito Control continuing as an independent government authority? I said I would get rid of Mosquito Control, because the sprays it used were more dangerous than the mosquitoes. I wish I also had thought to say, the mosquitoes are Mother Nature's natural defense against the invasive species, humans. 


This editorial cartoon was in the Key West Citizen in 2008, when I was running for county commission and was asked at a county commission candidate forum: What did I think were the three greatest threats to the Florida Keys? I said, "The Gang of Three." The three notorious sitting county commissioners, who had been bought and paid for by real estate developers and their lawyers.

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