Wednesday, March 15, 2023

spirituality, sex, kundalini, gurus, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and beyond

For quite a while now, I've wondered how Christendom still reads the stories about Jesus and Magadalene in the Gospels, yet does does not see they were a couple in every way. I mean, if she publicly kissed his bare dirty feet and washed them with. her own tears and hair, and then anointed them with precious ointment she scarce could afford what did she wash and anoint him with when they were in private? 

And, of the three women who saw Jesus at the tomb after his near-death experience, who'd he tell to go to the men disciples in hiding and tell them she had seen him and he had sent her to tell them he would be with shortly? It was not his mother or the other woman there. It was Magdalene he sent. Jesus never did anything by happenstance. He wanted the cowardly male disciples to know who was the most important to him. His wife. 

I knew that before I read HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL, which should be required reading for every teenage and adult Christian.

Meanwhile, in an online spirituality group where I don't think I've seen anyone close to being a Christian, this question was posted. (I'm Puzzleheaded)

Does anyone else start to feel aroused and sexual when embracing spirituality or is it just me and I am odd??

Doesn't happen every time or with everyone but I definitely have noticed when talking aboit spirituality and getting deep into it I can have weird thoughts for the other person if I am feeling very connected such as a fleeting thought of hugging or kissing them and yes the odd time ( down below can get frisky)....
I am 28f for the record and I do not know if this is normal but it's happened for as long as I can remember and especially if I am feeling love or warmth from feeling connected with someone...
I feel weird about it and I don't think this would be common!? 
A lot of people sexualize themselves and others when they experience spiritual energy. It is normal and should be taught openly as an experience on the path. A lot of spiritual teachers are trained on how to deal with students who approach or manipulate them sexually. And obviously a lot of leaders and teachers also know this and either fall for their own influence, or apply it on purpose. 
This is also why world leaders, and CEO's are at the top of the sexual hierarchy. It is normal though. And needs to talked about openly to clear everyone's conscience and purify the mind and body of distractions. If you are sexually aroused, ask yourself what it is that you want to create, or become. These 'feelings' enter the body and move the lower energies for material creation, which includes sexual union. Mastrubation helps, and I am a big fan. But honestly there is something deeper going on. And pursuing that is part of the inspired way of life.

Well, said, Plum, except I'm not sure the lower chakras are any less nor more important than the upper chakras, which all together, in or out of harmony, make up a much greater whole.

I'm 80, and probably am past the sexual arousal stage, but I went through it in many heterosexual ways and variations. I made my share of bad decisions with being intimate with women, and I made some good decisions, as well.

My question to you, Ambz, is, you didn't feel sexual arousal before you embraced "spirituality"?.

My suggestion to you is, whenever you feel sexual energy with someone else, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with "spirituality". It very well could be "projection", seeking missing parts of oneself, what mental health workers call "transference." So, take it slow, see if it keeps showing up between you and another person. And if you and/or the other person already are involved in another intimate relationship, then perhaps best you don't have sex, unless you want to complicate your life in ways you perhaps cannot possibly yet imagine :-).

Some people say sexual urges are caused by the kundalini rising, which certainly can happen. The India yogi Muktananda wrote about that in his autobiography, and of his shock that he had lost control of his penis after his guru had given him shakitapat.

I knew a woman, who, with her husband, were Muktananda's students dating back to his ashram in India. She said she left Muktananda, because he was having sex with his female students. Her husband did not leave Muktananda, and that's why she left her husband, or vice versa. I knew other students of Muktananda in Boulder, who seemed to be having a really hard time living without him, after he had given then "shaktipat", which is said to cause the kundalini to start rising.

Renown American educator Joseph Chilton Pearce became a student of Muktananda, and wrote what seemed to me very good stuff about the kundalini being innate in every person, and, in tribal times, the Kundalini rose naturally in rites of passage stages, as a child grew up, culminating around age 22. But in "civilized" society, the kundalini was blocked in children by "modern" childrearing, education and religious practices. Pearce said giving shakitapat was a way to try to set that right, but to help children avoid all of that, they needed to be raised very differently. Pearce did not write in what I read by him, anything about Muktananda having sex with his students.

The best thing I saw written by a well known yogi, is Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, about him and his yogi master. Both men seemed to me to be on a very good path.

I've heard first-hand accounts and have read many more accounts of "gurus" having sex in their "ashrams" with their students, in the name of "spiritual growth".

For example, the somewhat famous guru G.I. Gurdjieff was reported to have impregnated quite a few of his women students. 
An excellent book on leaving a guru is David Kherdian's ON A SPACESHIP WITH BEELZEBUB: BY A GRANDSON OF GURDJIEFF. (BEELZEBUB'S TALES TO HIS GRANDSON, was one of Gurdjieff's books.) A professional writer, Kherdian tells of being in two different Gurdjieff groups, and the ordeals he endured when he left each group. He did not write about the leaders of those groups having sex with their students. Nor did he write a bout Gurdjieff doing that. I recommended that book to quite a few people, who were trying to leave a guru.

The rinpoche of the very large Tibetan Buddhist community in Boulder, Colorado, was reported to have had sex ongoing with his male and female followers. He also was reported to have died of from liver failure caused by alcoholism. It was reported that his hand-picked American student successor continued the sex with students of both sexes practice, and he contracted HIV and did not tell anyone, and a number of his students became infected, and that's what caused the public light to shine on all of the above, and that Tibetan community split in half over it. One half said it was nobody else's business, it was part of their spiritual path and karma. The other half rejected that. One half left Boulder. Finally, the Tibetan hierarchy stepped in and appointed a young Tibetan lama to take over, and he seemed okay to me. I lived in Boulder during all of that.It's very difficult to leave a guru, whether or not sex is involved.

I never had a human guru. What grabbed and went to work on me was not of this world. it turned me upside down and inside out and every which a way but loose, and stood me before many mirrors looking at me. It arranged all manner of things for me to experience, which I would not have chosen. It's still at it.

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