A while back, I joined some groups online, which I found more interesting and even stimulating than what I was seeing on regular Facebook.
Here's an example from yesterday. I joined the discussion at the end.
Order of Pen
Manoj“Our generation is so busy trying to prove that women can do everything men can do, women are losing the unique qualities that set us apart. The God-given femininity & unique way our Creator designed us. Women weren't created to do everything a man can do.... Women were created to do everything a man can't do." - unknown
The lioness does not try to be the lion. She embraces her role as the lioness. She is powerful, strong, and nurturing. She does not mistake her meekness for weakness. The world needs more kind, compassionate, humble, faithful, persevering, confident, fierce, bold, pure, and tender-hearted women.Be one of them.SusanGender is a spectrum. To be expected to perform certain tasks, a certain way isn’t conducive to balance. Partners should do anything that works best for their own situation and family. The fact that religion tries to control literally aspect of life is insane when you think about it.
BenSusan White I agree 100%. People who struggle to understand the infinite variety of humanity like to reduce everything into just a couple of categories to help them understand whats going on.
Ben completely. I feel like they’re imposing their limited view of the world on everyone and expecting them to behave according to their own limited experiences and personal expectations. It’s quite egoistic of them when you really think about it.
Susan no its not, you either have male attributes or female attributes and often we all have a, mix of both. Science
Susan your way of thinking is failing as evidenced by the state of western society.
Humble and bold and fierce? Contradictions. A human is a human is a human. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. No matter our gender, we thrive when we pair with someone who complements our own abilities. Some men like to clean and cook. Love that. Just for one example. Couples wind up sharing all the tasks, finding their own balance. Oh, and this comparison between humans and lions—female lions are not gentle. Come too close to the offspring of any species in what is perceived as a threat and you will get a fierce and maybe deadly response.
Susan if religion tries to control every aspect of life, then modern progressives have created a religion matched by no other
Zennon and that God is unregulated uncontrolled emotional response that takes priority over critical thought and common senseCharlie
Susan - someday, try reality.Susan
Perhaps if more men would treat women as equal contributors instead of considering half the population second class citizens, we might not have such a big problem and a lot more women would be kind, compassionate, plus all the other adjectives you used to describe what every human who’s a human should be. Men can blame themselves for women’s rights movements. There shouldn’t have been a need for a “women’s” rights movement in the first place. The fact that there even had to be one is a testament to the poor treatment women have suffered at the hands of small, weak, power hungry men. What kind of society doesn’t value it’s life-bearers?
Sloan Bashinsky
Susan Some years go, a poem on the abused feminine fell out of me as I sat waiting for a monthly Key West Poetry Guild reading to begin.
Sloan Bashinsky
I recently posted the poem in an online spirituality group,under the title, "Bi Polar" disorder - absence of the feminine, and was blasted by several people for being disrespectful to people diagnosed with bi polar disorder. I explained to them that the post and the poem were about spiritual bi polar disorder, and they kept after me.
Finally, the moderation board posted this comment and then took down my post:Spirituality-ModTeamStickied commentThe post does not meet the criteria: there is insufficient information to initiate a meaningful conversation, or the quality of the content is inadequate.Here is the poem.Bi Polarthe world's favoritemood disorderthe cause of allhuman ails,including wars,if the demons aren't countedbi polar disorder,the destruction of thesouth pole,the feminine,the north pole,he ain't beenright in the headsince she's been gone
Sloan Bashinsky
something about lions …
Once upon a time there lived a woman named Alya. She was the medicine woman in her tribe, using herbs and poultices and spirit ways to help her people. Yet she had one flaw: she hated lions, because a lion had killed her father. Her hatred caused her to cast spells against lions, which caused her husband great concern. He often told Alya that her war with lions was going to get her into big trouble, but she was a medicine woman, she knew the ways of the spirits, and she did not listen to her husband.
One day while Alya was out gathering herbs, she spotted a lion sunning himself in tall grasses on the savannah. She hatched a scheme in her mind to sneak up on the lion and cast a spell on him, which would enable her to steal his spirit and have it for herself. As she crept closer to the lion, she began chanting softly and seeing in her mind’s eye her spell taking over the lion. However, she was so focused on what she was doing, that she did not see in her mind’s eye the lion’s mate returning from hunting. Nor did she see the lioness catch her sent, drop her kill from her mouth to the ground and circle around behind. Too late, Alya realized her peril, just as the lioness took her from behind.
Next thing Alya knows, she is in the spirit world, standing before the Lion Spirit. Trembling with terror, Alya wants to run away, but the Lion Spirit speaks to her heart, says, “There is something you do not yet know.”
Then, Alya is back on the savannah, watching a hunter from her tribe sneaking up on a nest of lion cubs, whose parents are away hunting. The hunter has a twisted spirit, and decides to kill the lion cubs just for the fun of doing it, even though killing any animal just for sport is taboo in his tribe, which worships the Lion Spirit. On returning to his village, the hunter tells no one what he has done.
When the lion and lioness return to their nest and find their dead cubs, they are enraged. They catch the hunter’s scent and track him back to the edge of the village, where the lion hides in a thicket and begins roaring and bellowing out his rage over what has happened. The hunter knows why the lion is there, doing that, but still he tells no one.
Alya’s father, the tribe’s leader, prepares to go out and face and kill the lion, because it his duty to protect his tribe from marauding lions. And so he sets out to face the lion, even as the hunter lets him go without saying what has happened to bring this about, and that a lioness is also out there with the lion.
Alya’s father quickly finds and confronts the lion, and is preparing to kill it with his spear, when he is taken from behind by the lioness. In her horror, Alya helplessly watches on, even as she now realizes that her hatred of lions was completely misplaced. She feels awful.
Then suddenly she is back on the savannah, stalking the lion whose spirit she once wanted to steal for herself. The lion looks up, stares into Alya’s eyes. She shakes all over, is terrified, but does not look away. Then something takes hold of her, she says to the lion, “I have lost my father and you have lost your cubs. I will be your cub.” The lion looks deep into Alya’s spirit, nods, says, “And I will be your father, and will always protect your front.” Then beside the lion is the lioness, who says to Alya, “And I will always protect your back."
HelenSloan Bashinsky thank you for sharing this. We have much to learn from animals. Sadly, we have lost our way as a species. We need each other, yet we are tearing each other apart over ideology that diminishes our humanity.
Sloan BashinskyHelen you’re welcome, it was the 2nd of 3 visions I lived over several days in early June 1995; about a week later, a 4-year dark night of the soul lifted.