This meme was posted on Facebook by The Order of Pen:
I replied:
A retired lawyer friend and I batted around the other day the Republican Party notion of abolishing the federal income tax and the Internal Revenue Service. Some of our conclusions were, there would be no money to fund such things as the US Military, FEMA hurricane, flood and other disaster relief, and maintain and repair US highways. And it would doom churches and private schools, which depend heavily on federal tax deductible donations.
When I shared that with a friend who had taught economics in several colleges, whereas I only had majored in economics in college, he agreed, and we added to the casualty list: non-profits off all kinds; the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court and Department of Justice; NORAD, NASA, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, CDC, NIH, CIA, NSA, FBI, Secret Service, DEA, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and air traffic controllers, farm subsidies, etc.He said the other way the federal government gets money to pay for itself and all of the above and more is by borrowing money, which will greatly increase if there is no federal income tax. I said, imagine no federal farm subsidies. Imagine massive food shortages in America. Imagine a whole lot of starving Americans- unless they become cannibals in a zombie-like apocalypse, as the rest of the world watches.
When later I posted the above in The Order of Pen as an original comment, it was automatically deleted, because it contained political views, which might offend some people.
Another comment tread inspired me to join it:
CharlesMy survival is in the hands of God, the holy spirit and Christ, my saviour!! Amen
PatrickCharles well, what if he doesn’t exist ?
CharlesPatrick He lives in me because I have whole heartedly accepted him!! My choice!! Take it or leave itPatrickCharles I left it
CharlesPatrick your choicePatrick
CharlesI have no Proof god doesn’t exist.Could you please provide me with proof of his existence. Thanks in advance.
CharlesPatrick with your permission, I may have nothing to teach you ,but,I know there is just no true atheist !! This is so because life has a beginning and an end guided by a super natural force beyond science!! I call this force God's spirit that has and control the undying essence of the human being called the soul !! His spirit is equally manifested in the wonderful natural environment he has created!! I have the honour most respectful to plead with you to listen to your heart honestly and God will not only bless you, but will use you as his messenger on this earthly pilgrimage!! May God bless my humble opinion.
Charles well, we partly agree on one thing. God is nature and the environment and we are guided by science.There is no tooth fairy god, no ghost in the sky looking over us. We determine our own lives. Good luck with yours.
Patrick ok, you win, good luck also to you
Sloan Bashinsky
Charles Hmmm, are you sure God is a he? I was born into the Southern Baptist Church, and my mother took me with her to the Episcopal church, and back then and even today the Christian Trinity is all male, which causes me to wonder how do that Trinity reproduce? As for whether or not God exists, in early 1987, I had my first experience with beings from another realm, who slowly took me under their wing and stood me before many mirrors in stages and turned me every which a way but lose and upside down and inside out. Later, I came to know them as Jesus and Michael, the archangel. Later, they were joined by Melchizedek, and then the going got really rough. I no longer believed they and God exist, I knew. Yet, talking with Christians about what I was experiencing was sort of like what I imagine an ET talking with them would feel like. I was not on the same planet, nor in the same universe with them any longer. I thought, and still think, if they were getting treated to the same refurbishing I was experiencing, then they might wish they had never heard of God, Jesus, angels known in the Bible. I'm 80 now, and it's still in progress. It seems what "they" think is really important is how we iive, behave, relate to other people, experiences, and the planet. They promote existential spirituality, versus theoretical. They do not dis atheists, but instead look at how atheists live, same as how they look at how Christians live. At how Muslims live, and Buddhists, etc. Meanwhile, here's a soul drawing that fell out of me maybe 20 years ago, called "Feather Talk."
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