Monday, February 13, 2023

spiritual bi-polar disorder - absence of the feminine, the south pole

Most of my posts into an online spirituality group are probes. Quite a few group members did not like, nor seem to understand, what I posted yesterday. The group's moderation team finally commented:


Stickied comment
The post does not meet the criteria: there is insufficient information to initiate a meaningful conversation, or the quality of the content is inadequate.

No way was provided for me to reply. 

This morning, the MOD team took down the post, which I had copied and saved.

It looks to me the MOD team and most of the commenters suffer from absence of the feminine.

Everyone in the group uses a fake name. Mine is Puzzleheaded. 

The post


"bi polar" disorder - absence of the feminine


Bi Polar

the world's favorite

mood disorder

the cause of all

human ails,

including wars,

if the demons aren't counted

bi polar disorder,

the destruction of the

south pole,

the feminine,

the north pole,

he ain't been

right in the head

since she's been gone


That is utter rubbish...


This is incredibly disrespectful.


I'm sorry, I am so confused.


The title to this post and the poem provide the psychospiritual context. The masculine-feminine balance in nearly all people is way skewed toward the masculine. This is the fundamental reason humanity is so messed up. This post into a spirituality group is about a metaphysical bipolar disorder, which underlies the species' many problems, as well as it underlies what the mental health profession and religions attempt to address and resolve. Modern medicine does not recognize the impact of this disoder in a human body. Consider Christendom, for example. Its Trinity is all male. No feminine in it. That archetype has bled into and disturbed the psyche of every person in Christendom at a very deep level.


Nope. Why would you write "bipolar disorder the cause of all human ails, including wars"? That's such a horrible thing to assume and place upon those with bipolar. Those with Bipolar disorder have also created great things. The disorder is not all destructive. Hence bi polar: 2 . Euphoria and love and destruction. In my experience it's as though you take human emotion and the volume is at 10 at a football stadium. Emotions maxed out. Equating bipolar with war and destruction and the absence of spirit or the feminine is disrespectful, harmful and arrogant.


Imagine the yin/yang symbol with the black missing, or wrecked. That’s what has happened to humanity.


Maybe. But blackness or whatever is missing has nothing to do with bi-polar. You can write about polarity and extremes without calling it bi-polar. Bi-polar is an illness. Why stigmatize bi-polar by equating the illness with the destruction on humanity? That's absurd.

As to yin and Yang: It's fine to hypothesize and write poetry about the state of humanity . The title of what you wrote is Bi polar. Half way through your piece you wrote bipolar disorder. You didn't write Yin and Yang. It's offensive to associate bipolar disorder with the destruction and war.


The black part of the yin-yang symbol is the yin essence/function, the female essence/function. I put bi-polar in quotation marks, and then described it is about absence of the feminine, and then I provided a poem about it. This is a spirituality group. However, I have had a great deal of human training, both as a student and as a practitioner, and as a patient, so to speak, of angels known in the Bible, in what generally can be called psychospiritual disorders. In each case, including my own, at the root was what I have described here as bipolar disorder, and psychology and psychiatry would do well to take a long step back and consider they don't know everything about what they diagnose. For a very long time, aboriginal shamans have treated mental illnesses very differently from how the so-called civilized world treats mental illnesses. The Swiss Psychiatrist C.G. Jung focused a great deal on the internal animus (masculine) and the internal anima (feminine). Wars, for example, are driven by masculine energy and lack of female energy.


From your replies, I’m gathering that you’re using the term bipolar as an analogy and not the literal mental illness because you don’t have an actual new term for what you’re describing? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

If what I said is true, or if you’re literally talking about actual bipolar disorder, that’s a terrible things to do and what you’re saying is causing HARM. How dare you call yourself spiritual and then spread harmful messages like this. Either way, this post is horrible and you need to learn what empathy is and true spirituality


I put the bi-polar part of the title in quotation marks, and followed it with an explanation and then with a poem that metaphysically describes the problem, which can be viewed as any person's psychospiritual problem, or as the human species' psychospiritual problem. The post is not about what used to be called manic-depressive disorder, and then was called bi-polar disorder. However, damage to the internal male-female dynamic, balance, function, etc. can and does cause physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems in human beings.

I think A COURSE IN MIRACLES attempts to deal with that by saying nobody knows what really is going on, and if something upsets us, or punches our buttons, then we should try to sit in the discomfort and not try to fix it or react outwardly. A year of that, and a person is changed enough to be able to move forward, instead of being stuck or moving backward. Other spiritual disciplines used much the same approach, including Jesus in the Gospels, G.I. Gurdjieff, Buddhism, Sufis, for examples.


Um as someone with bipolar disorder: no thank you


The poem is about a spiritual disorder in nearly all people.

Saying it another way, too much yang, not nearly enough yin (Tao); too much animus, not nearly enough anima (Carl Jung), too much Father, not nearly enough Holy Spirit (Christendom); too much Shiva, not nearly enough Kali, or Shakti (Hinduism), for examples.


But those things are not similar to Bipolar disorder. Bipolar is not polarity or things missing from a person's psyche . You should write what you mean- polarity or use symbolism like magnetism or balance or lack thereof. You are misusing and misunderstanding bipolar disorder.


Isn't what psychiatrists call bipolar disorder, a ratcheting back and forth between mania and depression, with some people being more polarized into maina and others more polarized into depression? Do you not think that a disturbance in the internal male and internal female could be related to what psychiatry calls bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia?

Oscillating from depression (low point) to mania (high) happens, sure, but that's also an oversimplification. There is also if mood is on a spectrum there is major depression (in numbers let's say -10 to 0; neurotypical mood range 1-10 ; hypomania 10-13 then mania 13-psychosis.
Hypomania mood can start and/or be wonderful, creative, loving 🥰. A lot of creative people have done great works while in a hypomania --focussed, driven even if a little speedy. Hypomania can feel awesome. And some good can from it because of the stretches and connections one's mind and imagination create.
Mania can start goodsort and then spiral 🌀. Slipping into psychosis. But that psychosis doesn't have to equal violence or obvious outward destruction (not immediately) there Psychosis could be believing your a fairy. Could be a "flight of ideas". My Mind was tripping and visualizing so much. Mania can cause a lapse In judgment- sudden obsession or need buy things or what ever. And yea there is manic rage: Emotion and mood on steroids.
Bi-polar is nuanced, complicated, individual in how one cycles through moods. Could be hypo for 4 months; then fin for like 2 days then Plummet into dysphoric depression for a year. Some rapidly cycle during one week or one day.
Bi-polar is not so simple like a magnet 🧲 or a battery 🔋 a Magnet and battery have a positive charge and negative charge. Opposition and connection .
Bi-polar can enhance good qualities, creative thinking, writing, problem solving. and can paralyze and harm someone. A lot of the media likes to say that violent criminals have bipolar. Maybe they do..but maybe not. But it's harmful because a lot of people have bipolar and are not criminals. People are already stigmatized by the bipolar = violent. And this writing of yours is another way those with bipolar (myself) feel it's hurtful and misguided. Edited cause of my redundancy

This is a spirituality forum. My post addresses what is wrong with humanity, and nearly every person, regardless of their station, views or beliefs. Absence or severe damage to the internal feminine, the South Pole.

I am aware it's a spiritual forum. You wrote bipolar. If you wanted to talk about yin and Yang or divine feminine and masculine great , do that. That isn't what you posted. Your initial post that I am responding to was offensive and misuses the term bipolar disorder. Most of the comments you are receiving explicitly say they find your use of bipolar offensive. If you actually care about humanity or divine or yin and Yang, I suggest start by listening to people who live with Bipolar disorder and don't like this writing. Admit the wrong or misrepresentation and move forward with a different approach to your spiritual writings.

I posted about the spiritual bi polar disorder, which nearly every person has.
That's like saying mania and depression have genders, judging by your post title.
I believe your intention is valid. Problems arising from imbalance. But the terms used are not a good fit.

The title is, "Bi polar disorder" - absence of the feminine. Mania is a whole lot of yang (masculine) energy, depression is the polar opposite. However, this post, as the poem states, is about the state of the masculine, thus humanity, due to the absence of the feminine. 
Ok so if you’re not referring to the literal illness called bipolar disorder (formerly manic depressive disorder) then STOP USING THAT TERM. You are actively causing harm by doing that. Make up your own term. Do not borrow a real term that means one thing and one thing only. You are replacing a negative term and putting “bipolar’ in its place. It’s just like how people used to say “that’s gay” rather than “that’s stupid.” It’s wrong. What you’re doing by “borrowing” the term bipolar is spreading misinformation and actively causing harm. There are people in this thread who have the illness and are telling you that you’re being harmful and you’re speaking over them. Stop. I don’t care about a long winded paragraph about how you’re right… if someone who has said illness is telling you that, you be quiet and listen. Smh.

My post is about spiritual bi-polar disorder, which nearly every person has. 
So THIS is the hill you’re gonna die on?? Equating bipolar disorder to the reason for human suffering and wars? Huh

The hill humanity is dying on, and killing Mother Earth.  
I'm really stoned, but I'm gonna try and understand this.
The lack of the feminine has led to mood disorders that have caused the problems we are facing?
Is that what you are trying to say?


Mood and all sorts of disorders. 

Sooooo if everyone was in tune with themselves, would we be in heaven? That being said, I am thankful to be breathing and have the chance to make a difference against some of what you mention. It's a daily struggle. I can't say I concretely understand your poem. But I can see where it's coming from. . . Have an upvote.

Thanks. Every person, me included, has daily struggle. Heaven is a state of being, I’m not there, but I have felt it sometimes. Restoring the inner feminine and masculine is difficult but really important. 
Like walking on a razors edge. I hope to ascend one day... Fare well to you. Peace and Love, melted is beaming out!

Thanks, same for you. One of my favorite movies, The Razor’s Edge, starring Bill Murray. What a spiritual journey.

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